Partner with Auto Auto

Revolutionising Extended Warranty Sales for Dealerships Across Australia

At Auto Auto (short for Automated Automotive), we’re committed to helping dealerships streamline the sale of extended warranties through our cutting-edge automated software. With over 100 dealerships across Australia already benefiting from our services, we understand the unique challenges business managers face in selling extended warranties to customers.

The challenges dealerships face:

Deferred Sales Model

Extended warranties now require a deferred sales approach, complicating the timing of when and how to sell these products.

Capped Commissions

New regulations have placed limits on commissions, making it harder for dealerships to maximize revenue from warranty sales.

Inefficient Process

Business managers are finding that traditional methods are no longer time-efficient, leading to delays and missed opportunities.

How Auto Auto Helps

We’ve developed a seamless, automated system that makes selling extended warranties easy, transparent, and compliant, ensuring your customers receive timely and relevant offers tailored to their needs.

Key Benefits of Partnering with us:

Effortless Online Purchasing

Our automated platform enables customers to purchase an extended warranty online in just a few clicks. We’ve made it fast and hassle-free, removing the burden from your sales team.

Consistent & Compliant Process

No more worrying about compliance issues or inconsistencies in the sales process. Our electronic platform ensures that every sale follows industry regulations, giving your team peace of mind.

Targeted & Timely Offers

Using our automated system, customers receive personalised and timely warranty offers based on their specific needs, increasing conversion rates and satisfaction.

Improved Efficiency for Business Managers

Our software simplifies the extended warranty sales process, saving your business managers time so they can focus on other important tasks. It’s a win-win for both your team and your customers.

At Auto Auto, we are redefining how extended warranties are sold, providing dealerships with a streamlined, compliant, and customer-friendly solution.

Join over 100 dealerships in Australia and partner with us today to make your warranty sales process smoother and more effective.

Ready to Automate Your Extended Warranty Sales?

Get in touch with Auto Auto to discover how we can help your dealership thrive in this new regulatory landscape.
1300 852 312